Posts by turbide:
- A new star in the sky
- Professor Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo is appointed to the College of the Royal Society of Canada
- Marie-Eve Desrochers, une étudiante du CRAQ, reçoit un Prix Relève étoile Louis Berlinguet
- Magnetic fields at the heart of the Pillars of Creation
- Noemi Giammichele, une ancienne étudiante du CRAQ, reçoit le Prix Relève étoile Louis Berlinguet
- Professor René Doyon receives a Killam Research Fellowship
- Olivier Hernandez: the new director of the Planetarium Rio Tinto Alcan
- Deux astrophysiciennes du CRAQ à TLMEP
- Journey to the Center of a White-Dwarf Star
- The nanosats of the BRITE space mission reveal the origins of fundamental structures in the wind of the supergiant star Zeta Puppis
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