ADHOCw software for Windows 32 bits

Observatoire de Marseille (France)



ADHOC is the main software used by the Interferometric Group of Marseille's Observatory to reduce the 3D data coming from Photon Counting or CCD observations. It contains also general 2D modules useful for simple imagery.

ADHOC is the acronym for Analyse et Dépouillement Homogène des Observations Cigale. ADHOC software has been designed in 1987 in order to reduce data from the scanning Pérot-Fabry instrument CIGALE build in Marseille's Observatory. Up to 1998, the successive versions of ADHOC run on DOS operating systems. The new version will offer also to reduce TIGER and PYTHEAS observational data.

ADHOC was able to reduce data from a number of large telescopes : 3m60 CFHT (Hawaii), 3m60 ESO (Chile), 1m50 ESO (Chile), 6m SAO (Russia), 1m93 OHP (France), 2m60 Byurakan (Armenia), 2m San Pedro Martir (Mexico), 1m50 Bosque Allegre (Argentina), 1m60 Mt Megantic (Canada), ... About 100 papers in international magazines with external referees could refer to ADHOC software.

ADHOC concept is to minimize the training for the users. All the user interface is graphical and a very friendly and complete HTML help is available at every moment.

ADHOC software has been written by J. BOULESTEIX (Observatoire de Marseille) : .

ADHOCw present version is working on Windows 32 bits systems, uses multi-tasking and manages completely file sharing on networks. Direct dialog or macros can be used. There are no size limitations in the 3D dimensions of the data that ADHOCw can reduce. ADHOC works mainly on 4 bytes floating values, witch offers a large dynamics for the data.

ADHOCw software is free of use and can be duplicated. Information of the interest of users is welcome and a user list is maintained by who will inform regularly of the availability of the new releases.


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