Simon Blouin receives the 2020 Plaskett Medal
The Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) and the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) awarded the J.S Plaskett Medal for 2020 to Simon Blouin for the best doctoral thesis in astrophysics in Canada.

Since July 2019, Dr. Blouin is a Director’s Postdoc Fellow at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. After focusing on the atmosphere of white dwarfs during his doctoral studies, he is currently conducting research aimed at improving our understanding of the interior of these objects. He is particularly interested in the crystallization of the cores of white dwarfs, a crucial phenomenon in the evolution of these stars during which the liquid interior solidifies.
The Centre for research in astrophysics of Quebec (CRAQ) congratulates Simon Blouin for this prestigious award.
About the Plaskett Medal
The Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) and the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) inaugurated a price, the Plaskett Medal, in recognition of the important role played by John Stanley Plaskett (1865-1941) in the development of astrophysical research in Canada. The price, consisting of a gold medal, is awarded each year to the PhD graduate from a Canadian university with the most remarkable PhD thesis in astrophysics in the preceding two years. The laureate is then invited to give a conference lecture at the CASCA annual meeting.
Several former student members of the CRAQ have received the Plaskett Medal, including Pierre Bergeron (UdeM, 1990), Paul Charbonneau (UdeM, 1991), Pierre Brassard (UdeM, 1993), Alain Beauchamp (UdeM, 1997), Stéphane Charpinet (UdeM, 1999), Christian Marois (UdeM, 2005), Frédéric Grandmont (ULaval, 2007), Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay (UdeM, 2012), Anne Archibald (McGill, 2015) and Jonathan Gagné (UdeM, 2016). The CRAQ is proud to say that its members (and former members) have received 11 out of the 33 annual Plaskett Medals.
Robert Lamontagne
Public outreach
Centre de recherche en astrophysique du Québec
Phone : (438) 495-3482