Problems: Software and Data

IV.5 Mean-field solar dynamo models

You will find below the computer software required to do the problems at the end of chapter 5 of part IV of the course. In grabbing the files directly from this page with your browser, make sure to save all files as Plain Text. All problems in chapter 5 require you to use the same codes, so no matter which problem you are attempting you will need to grab all of the following files:

The file README.txt contains general information concerning the compilation and running of Fortran and IDL codes, as well as instructions specific to the problems themselves.

The file sphdyn_eig.f is a Fortran-77 source code that solves the linear eigenvalue problem defined by eq. (5.12) in the class notes, using inverse iteration. It produces a single unformatted output file, called by default solution.i3e.

The file medplane.idl is an IDL source code that plots a dynamo solution at six phase intervals, similar to Figures 5.2 or 5.3 in chapter IV.5 of the class notes. It reads in an unformatted output file produced by sphdyn_eig.f.

The file butterfly.idl is an IDL source code that produces a butterfly diagram, similar to Figures 5.4 or 5.7 in chapter IV.5 of the class notes. It reads in an unformatted output file produced by sphdyn_eig.f.

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